Covid-19 and The Pet Manny Services
From Ricky – The Pet Manny – 7th JUNE 2020
As you are all aware this has been a difficult time and naturally it has been necessary for The Pet Manny to make adjustments to the way we operate (in line with guidelines) to keep everyone safe.
I have studied and passed, with distinction, a COVID-19 Awareness Course for Pet Care and Dog Walking. This will help me instruct, oversee and supervise all of our services and ensure that all our carers adhere to the new policies and procedures.
TIME TO PET and Ts & Cs: I have made some changes to our Terms and Conditions. We will be utilising the information you supply us within your new Health Declaration, thorough pet information and personal data to structure our working day and priorities in regards to PPE, key collection and everyone’s safety.
Within TIME TO PET there are now more mandatory fields which need to be completed by every household and by agreeing to the Terms and Conditions you state that you will keep these up to date for us. This enables us to continue giving the best care we possibly can to everyone safely. Failure to keep your data current may put yourself, your pets or our staff at risk.
You are now required to state whether you will be home or not, which is especially important for dog walking. There is a field called “At Home/No Key Required”. If you are at home at the time of the service, then the carer will not be collecting your key from the office to help avoid unnecessary contact here. This may mean altering your data frequently, but, as I am sure you can appreciate, it is in everyone’s best interest that you do.
TIME TO PET UPDATES: One of our unique selling points are our updates with plenty of pictures of your pets having a wonderful time. Under current guidelines we are encouraged to touch minimal items when with your pets, including our phones. Should we use any such items we will ensure we wash/clean our hands and clean the item before and after use with an appropriate product.
Unfortunately you may find you miss out on your lovely photos for the time being.
NEW CLIENTS: Previously when taking on new clients we used to do free home consultations. We will now be assessing each new client in turn and either meet dogs in parks or have a FaceTime chat with cats and small animals instead. We will tailor those consualtions on a case by case basis.
CARERS: Our carers will now be structuring their working days based on the valuable information that you supply within Time To Pet. Alongside that I will be instructing them all on the correct and current procedures which adhere to our social distancing and cleanliness policy. I will also be available to the carers for advice and guidance should they have any concerns or issues whilst working.
DOG WALKING: It has been confirmed by Pet Business Insurance as of 01/06/20 that The Pet Manny are insured to have dogs off leads. That being said we will still be operating within the Council’s guidelines. Currently dogs are allowed off lead in Croydon only as long as this does not compromise the carers’ ability to adhere to social distancing.
With this is mind there are new fields within Time to Pet, under the COVID-19 DETAILS, that gives your permission to let your dog off lead if we feel we can a) rely on their recall and b) keep everyone safe and social distancing – human and dog alike. This field supercedes the off lead field under the PETS section. Dogs on lead will still be walked using OUR extendable or long leads so get excellent exercise.
Wiping down of dogs has been reintroduced by us as an additional safety measure. This can be done by yourselves or us and we will follow your instructions as stated in the COVID-19 DETAILS within Time to Pet.
Please note that any services for those that are self-isolating or with symptons will only take place at the end of the designated carer’s working day.
I have added some further details below about specific pet care scenarios. All of which can be read in the Terms and Conditions in more detail.
As always stay safe and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions at all
The Pet Manny
Keep all fields within TIME TO PET up to date especially those vital ones regarding COVID-19 and whether you will be at home for the day’s service
Communicate clearly any specfic requirements
Help your pet carer by being able to wipe down your dog before and after each walk if you are home. Remember they may have other dogs in their vehicle so we would be really grateful
Leave hand gel, wipes and soaps etc out and in clear view if carer has to enter your home
Only use Time to Pet for contact with The Pet Manny
We are insured if the council allows off lead without breaching social distancing
Update your COVID-19 dog off lead field if you are happy for us to do so
We will only use our own leads which will be washed after each service
We adhere to social distancing
Dogs from self-isolating households will be walked at the end of the day
We will disinfect vehicles between dog transport
We will keep transporting dogs in vehicles to a minimum
If entering a house when owners are present, carers are instructed to wear a mask and gloves
If entering a house when owners are not present it would be handy if you could leave hand gel, wipes and soaps etc out and in clear view
Leave all equipment/food that the carer may need out in clear view will help avoid them having to touch anything unnecessarily
Keep Time to Pet updated on your household information and where you are leaving items
Leave the property clean and surfaces disinfected before departure and the carer will do the same for your return where possible
Leave out all preferred cleaning products and pets equipment
Keep all Time to Pet fields up to date
When visiting your pets and home, we can also undertake any other task required to ensure that your animals are safe, fit, well and warm and your property is secure and well looked after. All our carers can administer pet medications and clean up after any animal.
Ask about any additional service you may require that is not listed on our site. But when visiting your home, we can…
- Take pets to vets
- Buy pet supplies
- Stock the fridge
- Make sure your favourite TV show is recording
- Run the hoover around
- Water the plants/garden
- Mow the lawn
- Pop in and check on dependant friends or relatives
- Be present for deliveries or other services
- …whatever you need